My little Camper
I’m staying home from camp this weekend to do a big project for work. However, I’ll have lots of downtime in between tasks. I’ll probably get a haircut after the sun comes up. It is giving me time to get caught up on my work here. I found there were two articles that never got finished, so I will have to just combine them into one, as they both concern my granddaughter, Mooselette.
Back in June, Mooselette came for a visit to the farm. It was late at night when she showed up on Friday. We still had to pitch a tent for her. She waited patiently and then crawled in and went to sleep. Saturday came and went without a hitch. At her regular bedtime, she asked father Moose to take her to her tent. Sunday came and we went for a hike to watch turkeys and such, and then helped out with breaking camp. It was then I realized that my granddaughter had inherited the camping gene. She gets it.
Over the summer, I bought her a tent of her own– a little umbrella design that sets up quickly. She already had a bag and other stuff. On a perfect night in late September. Grandpa and Grand-Mooselette had their first camp out together.  Well, that’s how it was conceived anyway. However, the rest of the tribe thought our campsite in the backyard was too cool to pass up, so up until dark we had visitors. Finally everyone went to bed, and we crawled in to our tents and went to sleep.
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