Shamanic Dream Team Line-up Changes
They say one door closes and another opens.
I talked to my best hunting buddy, SuperCore, this week. He was late checking in after his return from Florida, and turkey season was nearly upon us. The news was not good. He’s hanging it up– no more hunting. He’s battled back from all sorts of things– several bouts of pneumonia, a heart attack, and a quad bypass. However, time has just taken its toll. He won’t be coming to camp tonight. We spent a decade hunting turkey and deer together. Before this, he’d never hunted. I’m going to miss him mightily
Then I get a call last night. Most honorable #2 son, Moose, wanted to know if it was okay to come to camp. He’s been away for a number of years. It has been a combination of work and taking care of #1 grand daughter, Mooselette, that has kept him from hunting. Can you come? Of course, you can. I was most delighted with the news. I’ve kept his calls and his ammo in a drawer for most of a decade, but I knew right where they were. He’ll be by around 10 AM to pick them up.
So there you have it: The Shamanic Dream Team 2019, Moose, Angus, and the shaman. The Turkey Opener is tomorrow.
I went back and looked. Ten years away from camp, there are a lot of changes.
I was pro-staffing for Turkey &Turkey Hunting as well as for Heirloom Turkey Calls. I managed to get a nice gob with one of the company’s “Double-Barrel” calls.
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It is very sad when a hunter has to hang it up, but at least he knows it’s for the best it sounds like.
We had a change in our lineup this year too. My Godfather, who was one of the best turkey hunters I knew, came back to the woods after his retirement and a 15-20 year hiatus from turkey hunting to hunt with my Dad and I.
Our first outing was at the quota hunt at Land Between the Lakes last Tuesday and Wednesday. It was a bust. I’m the only person in our three man group that even worked a gobbler. I worked this bird on several occasions for two days to no avail.
Opening weekend wasn’t much better. Dad and the Godfather heard some birds that never showed any interest, and I called in two silent gobblers that gave me about a 2 second window for a shot in the swamp brush. I hesitated for a better shot and missed my opportunity. The only opportunity that I got all weekend.
Hopefully I’ll get the chance to hunt after work sometime this week, and I’ve got Good Friday off to hunt all day as well. I’m hoping my luck turns around.
Happy hunting to all your crew!