Reduced Recoil Loads
From the D&DH Forum Postby MSHunter » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:26 pm Here is a question for you more experienced reloaders. On Hodgdon’s website they have a sheet of youth/reduced recoil loads. In the paragraph before the load data they state that a medium burning powder be used and that the amount of powder to use be 60% of the maximum load. They recommend this for any load that uses H4198 powder. So my question(s) is/are as follows: Does one select the maximum load within each bullet range and use the 60% rule? For instance a 100 grn bullet … More . . .
Should I Reload? PT II
Assuming you really are thinking of taking the leap, I wanted to share what you what comes next. From here on out, a lot of this is going to depend on your personal style of reloading. What is your personal style? That is hard to say, but nearly every guy I know has his own quirks. We all pretty much get there, but we get there in different ways. The bottom line is that there is more to the color of paint on the press. Each press is a little different, but whether one is better than the other is in the eye of the beholder. The same goes for all the other pieces.
More . . .Should I Reload? PT I
Let me begin by asking some questions:
* Are you satisfied with your selection of ammunition? Can you go to the store and buy what you want?
* Are you plagued by excessive recoil with your deer rifle?
* Are you satisfied with the accuracy of your deer rifle?
* Are you appalled at the price of ammunition? is Back is back. It had been down for quite a while, and I’m glad to see Whelen back in operation. This is a really great site for 35 caliber fans– 35 Rem, 35 Whelen, .358 Win, etc. I found it extremely helpful when I was developing loads for The Whelenizer, a Rem 7600 in 35 Whelen.
More . . .The Case for Cheap Bullets
Well, not really cheap bullets. “The Case for the Standard Hunting Bullet for Whitetail Deer,” is probably more accurate, but it sounds like a master thesis. This is just a rant. “The Case Against Premium Bullets” sounds mean spirited and negative. I am going to speak heresy here. I am not enamored with premium bullets, not in the least and certainly not when it comes to deer hunting. I guess I’m just an old fud, but I can still remember a time when Remington Core-Lokt WAS a premium bullet. Normally I just sit in the back and stay quiet, but … More . . .
In the shamanic Reloading Cave
The shaman was busy at his reloading bench when he heard little Scooter come into his cave. “Mister Shaman?” “In here, Scooter.” said the shaman. “Jeepers, Mister Shaman.” said the boy. “What are you up to?” “I’ve been reading too many deer threads,” said the shaman, and I thought I would come here to chill out and get some reloading done. “It’s all so complicated.” said Scooter. “I wouldn’t know where to start. All these bullets. All this data. It makes my head spin.” “It doesn’t make my head spin.” said the shaman. “It was going to, and then I … More . . .
Rifles — Less Recoil?
From Deer & Deer Hunting Forums jyeomans New Member Posts: 1 Joined: 10/27/2008 I HAVE BEEN USING A 7400 REM 30-06 FOR YEARS, LATELY I HAVE FOUND THE RECOIL TO MUCH. (GETTING OLD) SO I AM LOOKING FOR SOMETHING WITH LESS RECOIL. I HAVE BEEN THINKING OF A 308 OR 7MM- 08. WILL THEY GIVE LESS RECOIL.WILL THEY HANDLE BLACK BEARS OR ELK. WHAT WILL BE A GOOD CHOICE AS FAR AS MAKER IS CONCERNED. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. JOHN Any excuse will do me for buying a new deer rifle. However, if you still like the 7400, try some … More . . .
More on Rifles– Less Recoil
From Deer & Deer Hunting Forum jyeomans Hi thankyou for the info, actually I have the rem 7400& 7600 pump both with 18/12″ barrels with that OK out west for elk or are the barrels to short. I shoot 180gr core locs, if I change to 150gr bullets would I get a reduction in recoil. Thankyou. JOHN Yes. 150 grainers will probably give a reduction in recoil over 180’s, as long as bunch of other things are kept equal. It’s the basic Force= Mass X Acceleration equation going both directions–towards your shoulder and out the barrel. If you lower the … More . . .
Making the Switch to H4895
With gas prices, inflation, etc. kicking me in the wallet, I decided that I would try a new reloading project. Before I got started in reloading, I had foresworn that I would refrain from trying to push the velocity/pressure envelope too far I have previously embarked on projects that optimized for accuracy and recoil. That usually left me using H4895 for a rifle powder. I reload in the following rifle calibers: 30-06, 308 Win, 35 Whelen, 30 WCF, 7.62X54R and .223 Rem. Over the past five years, I’ve used a bunch of powders: IMR3031, Varget, IMR4895, BL-C(2), to name a … More . . .
Marking Time
It’s funny how we mark time in our lives. There are the periodic things– the length of time it takes to go through a tube of toothpaste, the time between a change in eyeglass prescription and so on. There are also the one-off milestones. Your first car means something. So does your first deer, and your first trip to the Moon with a girl. Reloaders have all sorts of measures like that. There is how fast you go through a pound of powder. There is how many times your brass can be reloaded. How many loads does it take to … More . . .
What kind of bullet do I use on deer?
I’ve spent most of my life living with cheap bullets and cheap ammo on deer and not had much of a problem. Most of my time has been spent with Remington 12 Ga sluggers and Walmart special 180 grain 30-06. I hunt dense cedars and Eastern hardwoods, and I hunt at very close range. I started out life as a bowhunter, and most of my deer hunting sensibilities lie in that sort of hunting. If I do not get within 80 yards of the deer, I am doing something wrong. Since I took up handloading a few years ago, I’ve … More . . .
Eeets Alive!!! PT II
You’ve probably guessed most of the answers already. Sorry, 270 Winchester never showed up. I’m not sure why. Ditto for the 250-3000. 30-06 never showed up. That was interesting in and of itself, so I decided to find out why. It took some doing. However I added a weighted system of ratings. If you figure in Energy at 100 yards, Dekker KOV, and drop at 100 yards, and then make the system search for the best balance of the 3, TADA! You get a result that ‘s a 30-06, with a 168 grain match bullet , loaded about 92 % … More . . .
Eeeets Alive Pt I
I once wrote years ago, when I first started dabbling with neural nets and artificial intelligence, that there comes a time in any mad scientist’s life when he feels compelled to grasp the table, lift his eyes to the heavens and exclaim: “EEEETS ALIVE!!!” I don’t think this is going to push the envelope any in regards to what is known about whitetail deer cartridges. However, this is a good example of one man’s quest for answers to the ultimate question in a deer hunter’s life: What is the best round? I have been downloading data from the Hodgdon and … More . . .
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