Mandatory Orange on Ground Blinds?
odis7326 from asks: deer hunting from blinds: would like some feed back on a idea i had the other day when i was thinking about how as a deer hunter there could be a safer way for hunters to hunt from a blind. i had a buddy that had his blind shot at while he was in his ground blind, lucky he dident get hurt, but was really shaken up by the whole experiance. also i wonder if maybe it wouldent be to bad of an idea to require a hunter that hunts from a ground blind to have … More . . .
Advice to a guy that’s new to calling
Remember that by most professionals’ estimates calling is only about 20% of the game when it comes to turkey hunting. Scouting is by far the most important part of the game. If the birds have a mind to fly down to one side of the roost and walk off and you’re on the other side that morning, no amount good calling will change that most days. Most days, a gobbler wants you to come to him, not the other way around. You’re trying to turn nature on its head a little by bringing the gobbler to you. Second: remember that … More . . .
Why don’t you use 3.5" shells?
I go with 3″ shells and here is why. Most of the time, you aren’t going to be shooting all that far, and the turkeys are not that hard to kill. When you get up into 3.5″ or 10 GA, you’re talking recoil levels like what you use on elephant. That is simply too much. Generally speaking, at least in these parts, there is so much cover in the woods after the first week of season that 20-30 yard shots are about it. Some dream of shooting out to 60. I dream of Seeing out to 60 yards. If you … More . . .
More thoughts on the Beginner’s Strategy
I had some more thoughts on this last night: Bum weather– the cold wave made the turkeys come to the protected narrow east-facing pastures to catch sun. I knew where they were going to be. Chest Pains– I had to be careful how I moved. That led to the following strategy: 1) Scout extensively. Roost your birds, etc. Get their movements down cold. 2) First light would find you well back from the roost, listening, but still in contact with the birds 3) Maintain contact with the turkeys. Listen to them fly down, etc. 4) Make a few calls early– … More . . .
A New Prescription for Beginner Success
I’m going to give you a piece of advice, based on your question about flashlights that may receive some HARRUMPHS! from the others, but I think it’s valid just the same. Last year was the first time I did not bother to hunt flydowns. I’ve been hunting flydowns for 25 years now. I’ve had rotten luck. Most years, I concentrated on flydowns and I was usually so dejected by 0800 that I felt like my day was over. This past year, I had two things happen. One was that the weather was unnaturally cold. The second was that I was … More . . .
Do Turkeys Mind Flashlights?
I would say that it’s a matter of how much flashlight and where and when. I’ve been as close as 80 yards to a gobbler and hens and not had an effect on him. I was hunting amid dense cedars and I was coming in at first light. I was also keeping my flashlight pointed at the ground. If I had done it much later, or if I’d flashed it their way or if I had been in more open woods, I’d probably spooked them. I can also tell you that probably everyone who comes here has spooked turkeys off … More . . .
Letter to Santa from a Turkey Hunter
Dear Santa: I’m writing late to you, but I have some ideas for turkey hunters for Christmas. See if you can cook them up: 1) A cheap pair of boots that are lightweight, warm and waterproof. Is it asking too much for a turkey hunter to have dry warm feet? Every pair of boots I get are either too hot, too cold, too heavy or they leak. If they don’t leak the day I get them, they’re leaking by the end of the first week. 2) A mouth call safe that hold onto calls that allows them to dry out … More . . .
How long do hunting clothes last?
I’ve got stuff still from 1982. My sons are wearing the stuff I started out with. You replace them when they stop doing the job. Some things I’ve learned over the years: 1) Rotate your clothes. To keep scent down, I always have one or more changes for the weekend and let one set out to air while I hunt with the other. It also doubles the life of your clothes. 2) Detergent kills. Sun kills. Driers kill Hot water kills. I switched to baking soda years ago and it does a passable job of cleaning as well as getting … More . . .
After-season update
Everything’s cool here. I have my food plots in. I hope the rain we had was enough to get them going. The new steering package arrived for my boat, The Floating Hole. We’ll probably have a shake down cruise on the Ohio River within the next few weeks. Mooseboy had his birthday in May. He was a little sad that he’d already gotten his big present (the turkey gun) . Then I sprung the Mossy 500 ML barrel on him, along with the mold for casting his own 50 Cal bullets. He’s happy again. Angus has probably forgotten it, but … More . . .
KY Gobbler Season is Over
Well, our season is over in KY. As usual, it ends with a wimper. It was warm and cloudless with a stiff east wind. Angus and I went out for one last try this morning. Nothing. We heard one far-off gobble around 8 AM that was definately off our property. We came in and grabbed the garden tractor. Angus rode in the dump trailer and we made the rounds, collecting up all of our blinds. On our way out, we rode past one of my wads, still laying in the middle of the track, with a few stray feathers pasted … More . . .
How do you take a turkey’s temperature?
From the Quaker Boy Forums [From cbbase34:] Hi there, you said something about Learn to take a turkey’s temperature, how do you do that? thank you Well you first have to get underneath the gobbler, this is usually done by first pushing his head down with your left hand and then bringing the tail up with the right. Put the neck firmly under your left boot. Use the pressure of your boot on his neck to encourage compliance. Now take the thermometer, well lubricated with Vaseline and place it. . . . . . by the way, watch out for … More . . .
Turkeys are pretty random
A perfect roosted gobbler tucked in the night before, just on the other side of a freshly tilled field. The rain had just left. A 3 decoy spread 10 yards out into the field. Worms slurping in the mud. One hour and fifteen minutes after our dance began, the game was up. Not one, but two gobblers had come up to the edge of the woods, never even gotten in sight of our well concealed blind and then turned around and trailed off the other way with the hens. The sense of utter defeat: priceless. We thought we were doing … More . . .
Turkey Hunting is a Lot Like Work
I realized this morning that turkey hunting and work are so similar as to be nearly interchangeable in my life. I get up early, trudge around in the cold, and then try to make myself comfortable while I sit on my rump and listen while those around me make obnoxious noises. Sometimes I make obnoxious noises back at them, but mostly I try to blend into the landscape and not upset anyone. I try to be seen and heard as little as possible. Most days, I knock off as early as I can and get home and do my chores … More . . .
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