Bulletin: The Son of Natural has met his match
Long story– It’s late and I want to go to bed. I shot a gobbler a few hours ago and I’m just now getting cleaned up and ready for dinner. The short of it is that the Son of Mister Natural got a wee bit too close to the barn at Broken Corners. Details and pics tomorrow– promise!Views: 21 Related posts: The Son of Natural Mister Natural and the Incident at Broken Corners
More . . .Caught 2 poachers, but they got let go
Originally posted in http://www.kentuckyhunting.net Ever since we took possession of our farm in 2001, we’ve had trouble with poachers. I’ve caught a few, and let most of them go with a stern warning. Those are the ones I’ve met face to face. After one discussion of the issues involved, they don’t come back. I’ve called the tip line on a few others. I have also sent packets to the two wildlife officers that include letters of permission to visit, maps with property boundaries and summaries of the poachers doings. Up until today, I had not seen a poacher actually caught … More . . .
One of those mornings
Well, I’m back in– already. The temp stayed about 5 degrees warmer than they predicted– probably up around 34 F. I’ve been glassing the pastures, but there is nothing. I’ll go back out this afternoon and hunt between the strut zones and the roosts; I’m bound to pick up some action, since it’s due to warm up considerably. THis morning, I had a nice spot picked out with three gobblers all roosted within 200 yards. I sat down, made a few tree calls. They all answered and after about 5 gobbles a piece, they all shut up and disappeared. I … More . . .
So where DO they go after flydown?
The Ben Lee Catechism states that turkeys go to water after flydown. It also echoes the first book I read on turkey hunting. It simply said that you get between the roost and the closest source of water and ambush them– in fact, that was all it said about turkey hunting. I have tested that theory and it just does not seem to pan out– at least as a surefire thing. Once long ago, I was bowhunting on the last day of season in January and heard a flock come down off the roost and go to the creek. The … More . . .
Announcement: the shaman joins Heirloom
ANNOUNCEMENT: William “the shaman” Allendorf is now a member of the ProStaff of the Heirloom Turkey Call Company of Haughton, Louisiana. To have him tell it, Bill “the shaman” Allendorf, doesn’t claim to be much of a turkey hunter, but he’s the world’s expert at being a begining turkey hunter. It’s a long story. Most of Bill’s stories are that way. Our resident rattle-shaker knows what it’s like to start hunting without a clue. Bill has been writing for over 25 years, and quite a bit of it has been about his love of turkeys and turkey hunting. You can … More . . .
Where Turkeys Go After Flydown?
Yesterday was my first good day out scouting this year. I was able to monitor the flydown of four flocks on either side of a ridge. It was pretty much a typical morning for the turkeys. The gobblers gobbled a bit, the hens yelped a bit, everybody took their turn plopping down into the leaves and they all milled about squaking at each other. . . . and then they were gone. There is nothing quite so unexpected and sudden as the feeling you get when you realize that you are now alone in the woods. It is as though … More . . .
Scouting Report– Happy Easter
I rolled out of the rack at 0637, determined to make one more attempt to scout out a gobbler. Dressed in jeans, my barn coat and bedroom slippers, I threw on a pot of coffee, opened the back door and took a few steps away from the kitchen window so the sound of the percolator would not interfere. I made my first owl hoot. Nothing. My scouting was a failure. This was my third morning of trying to scout up a turkey. So far it was a dismal failure. I walked around to the front of the house and hooted. … More . . .
Was it the Calls or the Dekes?
From 24HourCampfire Poster: Simoneaud Subject: Re: what calls to use and when?? I made my first turkey hunt this past weekend. had great success, but I find that I don’t know what calls to use and when to use them. I bought a Primos Spring Hen box call and it makes all the hen sounds and I can make them good with this call, I find I sound just like turkeys do, but I don’t know what call to start with and then once a Tom or Hen answers, what calls to use to talk back. at one location I … More . . .
How to gobble? Have you tried Yelping?
The question of how to do a passable gobble keeps coming up on various forums. Can you gobble with your slate? Your mouth call? Your voice? Yeah, you can. I generally can’t. I have a 25 year old Quaker Boy Grand Old Master box call that gobbles just fine, so I did not do a whole lot of practicing on other stuff. The problem is why anyone wants to gobble in the first place. It’s a call, like the dominant buck grunt, that exudes the maximum testosterone. As such, either a gobbler is going to want a piece of it, … More . . .
How Individual is the Individual?
This is in reference to my entry the other day : Is Turkey Hunting Really All That? Scott aka ProTurkeyhntr From Quaker Boy Forums Had a response to what I said, and I thought I’d pass it along. It gave me something to think about. It’s always dangerous when I get to thinking. 03-14-2008 08:10 PM proturkeyhntr Well said Shaman, the only thing I will challenge is your statement below… “Last, the bird you hunt today is nearly identical to the bird you hunted yesterday, last year, a decade ago. The first bird you hunt is basically the same as … More . . .
What’s the Best Owl Hooter?
Long time ago, I was futzing with my latest owl hooter, trying to get it to work. I was down hunting with some serious turkey hunters in Mississippi and they were laughing at the Yankee and his pathetic owl hooter. “No turkey is gonna hear that.” said my buddy. “It’s too soft.” “So what do you do?” “We just call using our own voices.” He showed me. It didn’t sound much like a barred owl, but the cadence was dead on. The next morning he was doing it. A couple of the other guys were doing it. I did it. … More . . .
More on the Return to Turkey Camp
There’s a thread over on the Quaker Boy Forums about my arrival back at Turkey Camp. I’ve been keeping it going for over a year now- just me. palmettoswamp Member Join Date: Jan 2007 Location: Floral City, Fl. Posts: 36 I’ve never seen anyone anwser their own posts…hats off to you buddy They say talkin’ to yourself isn’t a dangerous thing unless you start answerin’ . Then again, I’ve been hunting turkey all by myself for twenty years. It had to happen sometime, I guess. The fact of the matter is that the top one there was POST #1 on … More . . .
Is turkey hunting really all that?
from KentuckyHunting.Net Forums Yesterday, 07:56 PM Fivehourfrenzy Is turkey hunting really all that? Everyone makes it sound like turkey hunting is so unbelievably intense and demanding and difficult. I’ve never been. Is it really as hardcore as everyone says it is? __________________ Here is my answer: Turkey hunting IS that intense. I class it as a second religion. I consider myself a good Methodist boy. I am also a turkey hunter. It’s just that strong. Why? One reason is the method. If you go after turkeys with a rifle, they’re about as easy to pick off as groundhogs. If you … More . . .
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