An Anonymous Acolyte and Mister Remmy
I received the following comment the other day regarding my “Bubba’d-up” Mossy: Anonymous said… Inspirational. That’s what your ministry has done for me. I too had a sticky-tape camo job on my Rem 870 home brew turkey gun. Since I am the President of the “Order of the Blue Snood” here in Washington State, I felt it was time to give ol’ Mister Remmy a makeover. A visit to the local Fred Meyer store and $28 bucks later I was spraying my way to the coolest do-it-yourself bubba gun I’ve ever done. (OK, it was only my second.) I will … More . . .
Yute Hunt 2009 — Angus Counts Coup
Angus and I went this morning for Day 2 of the KY Yute Season. Angus was armed with his 20 GA Mossberg bolt action. He was shooting Federal #4’s. We spent another morning like Saturday, with a bunch of half-hearted gobblers barely paying us any mind before fading off. Like Saturday, we packed up around 0900 and moved to another part of the farm, with the intention of looking for gobblers that might be starting to heat up. We tried a few spots, nothing paid off and the sun was getting high enough that a mid-morning nap seemed to be … More . . .
A Letter from Brian Lovett
From: Brian Lovett, Editor Turkey & Turkey Hunting Hi William: Welcome to the Turkey & Turkey Hunting Web Pro Staff! You have been selected to be an inaugural member. The purpose of this Pro Staff is to highlight our most loyal and serious customers. We will expand the staff in the months to come, but we want to limit its membership to only a handful of participants for each state. Although inclusion in the Pro Staff is a voluntary and honorary appointment, we will periodically reward staff members who are most active on the Web site. Most members have already … More . . .
Bubba Paints His Turkey Gun
Whenever you start talking to gun snobs, every little thing a normal person does to their gun is a “Bubba Job.” The definition, as I have been able to refine it is 1)n: any modification to a firearm that the perpetrator did not know how do when he started. 2)n: any deliberate modification to a firearm that detracts from its resale value 3)vt: To Bubba a firearm is to make such modification as described above. I personally have no qualms about doing a Bubba Job on a firearm. I have taken a belt sander to the cheek piece of my … More . . .
Turkeys in the Rain
I have to be honest. I have done very little turkey hunting in the rain in recent years. A lot of it had to do with the camo job I did on my turkey gun. It had a fabric tape on the barrel, and I did not want moisture getting in underneath and rusting the barrel. A lot of the reason was that the house is no more than a half mile from the furthest extent of my property. If it rained, I could hole-up inside the house and wait for it to let up. I am a big fan … More . . .
Teaching a Mouth Call to a Young’n
From Tinker at Turkey and Turkey Hunting Forum . . . Would like to know what learning experience a novice can actually get from a mentor concerning running a mouth call. My mentor was probably as good as I ever heard, but couldn’t coach me a whole lot in how to use the diaphram. It took me 2 yrs. of practice to master most of the calls on my own. He had a low tolerance for my “sqawking” and couldn’t relate the basics of tongue position and pressure, how the air should be run over the call, etc. During my … More . . .
Shamanic Turkey Hunting Tips
Here’s some random turkey hunting tips The cold: I carry an extra set of socks when it’s cold. Between what’s coming through the shoe and what’s coming over the top from all the cold dew on the grass, my feet get wet. Along about 9-10 AM , after the dew’s dried out, I change socks. It makes the walk home much nicer. When it gets real cold, I throw a handwarmer in the front pocket of my bibs. It heats my chest, which heats the blood going to the heart/lungs. It’s like a hot water heating system. Calls: A dab … More . . .
Quaker Boy Forums
Calling all Turkey Hunters! You know that when the ol’ shaman tells you about something, he means it. It’s been over 20 years since a man from Quaker Boy put a Grand Old Master box call in my hand and told me to go out and try turkey hunting. A few weeks later, I was standing atop a brushpile in Hocking Hills waiting for the sun to come up and I cranked out a yelp and had a gobbler answer back. I was hooked, and still to this day Quaker Boy calls take up a good deal of space in … More . . .
Who coined the silly term "hung up" ?
From Turkey and Turkey Hunting: ORIGINAL: TurkeyComander Who coined the silly term “hung up” ? I really don’t think it’s silly, but I do think it is oftentimes a solvable state. At least it is something that was in your control at some point. It certainly is not a disease. If nothing else it is a ready excuse for the uninitiated (“I dunno, the gobbler just got hung up!”) Let’s look at the basic idea of a hung-up gobbler. A gobbler is on his way to you and at some point he just stops coming. He’ll honor calls, but he … More . . .
Winter Tonic
For the first time in several years, I braved a mid-winter trip to turkey camp over the weekend. Some years we have been blocked for three months getting there. Last year it was a snow and ice storm that kept us bottled up from VD until the second weekend in March. I have to tell you that there is just no better feeling than opening up camp, and finding it for the most part untouched and unchanged. The big treat Sunday night was listening to lots of wing beats as the flock that inhabits the woods behind the house came … More . . .
On the use of Turkey Decoys and Going Old School
From Turkey and Turkey Hunting — Not as Sporting…Are You Serious??? The Turkey Hunter at the Vegetorium Some of y’all remind me of the stories a buddy of mine used to tell. He was a cook at a vegetarian restaurant/store up near the University of Cincinnati. He used to listen to the various veggie-heads all day and had some pretty funny tales. He said that there was a macho-ethic going on with the grazers, and it would always seem to escalate into a one-upping sort thing: “I’m an ovo-lacto.” (If I remember, that meant just eggs and milk) “I’m just … More . . .
Honey Holes and Structure Hunting
I’ve got a few spots on my 200 acre farm which are good spots for hunting turkeys. You can be fairly sure that if you’re there and you wait long enough, eventually a flock will come through. A lot of what you learn from bass fishing and deer hunting applies to turkeys: Find the roost. Find the food. Hunt the likely path between the two. I have had expert turkey hunters, men I respect, tell me that there is no such thing as a “Honey Hole” for turkeys. I have to disagree. There are only going to be a few … More . . .
Cell phones in the Turkey Woods
It was only a couple of years ago that my phone was anything but useless out at camp. The Verizon map still says that we should not get a signal, and down in the hollers, I would agree. However, up on top of the ridges, we get a fair number of bars. In fact, I can now take the laptop out with me if I want to. The air card works just fine. I doubt I will. This is a cautionary tale. Normally, I do not leave the cell phone on, but I take it with me. I am fifty. … More . . .
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