Report from Turkey Camp — Yeah, Right.
It is the second Monday morning of KY’s Spring Gobbler Season, and I am sitting here with that “did-anyone-get-the-license-plate” kind of feeling. For the first time in a week, I have my voice back. Yesterday was the first time that the trip between bed and my chair in the family room didn’t require planning. The doc saw me on Thursday and did not say exactly what it was, but threw me some Zithromax and told me to call if it got worse. I knew it was probably going to be ugly when I drove back from the farm, but I … More . . .
Report from Turkey Camp — Sunday
Angus and I went out this morning to hit the Honey Hole again. SuperCore went back to the Jagendehutte. About 0815 a gobbler came up to the blind and due to the steep contours, he was invisible until he got within 10 yards. Angus saw a head pop up out of the grass and then heard wild putting. I was watching the back door of the Honey Hole and had several come fairly close, only to drift off before they could show themselves. SuperCore had a jake come in at one point, but he just could not bring himself to … More . . .
Report from Turkey Camp — The Opener
The past few years, I’ve been reporting from Turkey Camp a day or so ahead of the Opener. I’m out there glassin’ and frettin’ and . . . just can’t stand it, ya’ know? So this year, I’m back in the saddle again– got a new job after 2 seasons on the sidelines. It’s a bit of a crimp to the the turkey hunting, but I am not complaining. So the Opener kind of came on hard and fast. One minute, I was at my desk, being a computer wonk and the next minute I’m fighting rush-hour traffic. KYHillChick and … More . . .
Sorry I Haven’t Written / Last Minute Tips
This is the time of year when I should be posting every day about turkeys. However, I look back and it has been over a week. No, I’m not sick. No, I haven’t lost interest. It’s just. . . . . . I guess you can say it’s all been said. I have a few clothes left to pack. I have the shotguns together, the ammo is already down at camp. I’ll stop at Sam’s Club and buy a bunch of food middle of the week. I have been scratching on a few calls, but mostly I have been just … More . . .
PODCAST: Busy Morning
I’ve been down at Turkey Camp all weekend, and we’ve been up to a lot of things. This morning I got out early and managed to catch a gobbler and hen with my new sound rig. Sit back, plug in your headphones and have a listen. Gobblers and Hens at Broken Corners Here’s my new recording rig. Yes, that’s right. It’s a paint roller handle and an umbrella hat, but it makes a dandy parabolic mike. Views: 0 Related posts: PODCAST: Where do the Turkeys Go? Late Morning Birds PODCAST: Out Scouting the Left Leg PODCAST: Gobbler At Broken Corners … More . . .
Personal Ethics in Turkey Hunting
It’s funny about turkey hunting. However, when I wrote The Role of Personal Ethics in Hunting , I was wearing my deer hunting hat. Now it is getting on towards turkey season, and I went back and read it again, and I realized there were a lot of things that had reversed themselves in my brain. I do not mean to say what I wrote back in January was wrong. It just does not fit turkey hunting. In turkey hunting, there is a lot of stuff that gets turned on its head. Deer hunting is a pretty wide-open thing. You … More . . .
Return to Turkey Camp
Originally Post #1 , “The Shaman Enters” at The Quaker Boy Forums 1/9/2007 The wind was stiff enough that it blew the door open as soon as it came unlatched. It was snowing lightly, but it wasn’t cold enough to stick. It was cold, it was muddy. It looked like the sky was going to open up. The shaman bolted the door and kicked a clod off his boots and surveyed the inside. In the murk, you could still see an open box of thirty-thirty and a broken grunt call on the dining table. An orange vest hung off the … More . . .
TreeRooster’s Tale– The Annual Safety Post
Originally published 2/18/2010 From TreeRooster at Turkey And Turkey Hunting Forum In the spring of 2005, I had just finished a turkey hunt in Colorado with my friend James a couple days earlier. James headed to Kansas for another hunt and I was on the road to Black Hills of South Dakota. As I drove near a cell phone tower my phone beeped. It was a message from my wife. In an emotional and broken voice she said; “Gary call me, Fred shot James” James was hit with a Remington #5 Hevi-shot from approximately 40yds (shooters estimate). He was just … More . . .
The shaman and the Old Turkey Hunter
I was over early to the old turkey hunter’s shop near Browningsville. It was still February, but almost not. It was past time for breakfast, but still time for a second cup of coffee. This was the perfect time for going visiting in the country. No one felt obliged to offer you a plate of whatever they had anymore, and no one felt bad if you said you were still full from your own. A cup of coffee is always welcome as is the company.
More . . .My First Turkey Hunt
I’ll never forget the elation I felt as I set down a plate of pancakes for a friend on a Sunday morning in January and he told me of a place in Hocking Hills and a buddy of his. Five minutes later my buddy handed the phone to me. I was talking to the guy and he was telling me about his place, a 70 acre orchard. “I can’t wait for you to come.” said Gordon. “Those turkeys come in the Spring and knock down all the blossoms and then the dang deer come by in the Fall and eat … More . . .
Know Thy Game, Know Thyself
Everyone goes at turkey hunting a little different. One guy wants to take a gobbler only if he has called it into him. Another guy only wants to do it with his grand-daddy’s side by side. Another fellow only feels right if he’s spent $500 on ammunition and is wearing the latest camo pattern– vest and boots matching. Another guy only wants to saddle up his bird and ride it back to camp singing “John Brown’s Body.” We all look at this sport differently.
More . . .Turkey Hunting circa 1942
Back when I first started turkey hunting, there was not a whole lot out there written on the subject. As usual, I turned to my trusty Outdoor Life Cyclopedia, published in 1942 for advice. The following is the entry I found. This and a couple of Ben Lee tapes constituted the sources for the bulk of the goo in my head when I first went out hunting in the early 80’s. One of the important takeaways from this tome is that turkeys will always travel to water when they first get going in the morning. Therefore, it is advised to … More . . .
Turkey Hunting Secrets
There are so many new turkey hunters out there this year, I thought I’d share a resource with y’all. I don’t know this guy. I know he’s selling stuff, but who isn’t these days? Here is Roger Raisch’s site. It has a bunch of free content, mostly geared to beginning turkey hunters. He really does a good job of laying it all out. Views: 3 Related posts: What Is the Hardest Part of Turkey Hunting? Turkey Hunting is Just Like Work Turkey Hunting circa 1942 Personal Ethics in Turkey Hunting A Ninety-Niner’s Look at Turkey Hunting Mooselette Goes Turkey … More . . .
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