Turkey Research in Kentucky
Here is a Youtub e on some greatly-needed research into what’s going on with the turkeys in Kentucky Views: 6 Related posts: New 2012-13 Kentucky Hunting and Trapping Guide Kentucky Considers Deer Hunt Tourism Return of the Whitetail in Kentucky Kentucky’s the Place — Sort of Thanks for letting me come hunt in Kentucky Kentucky Fall Rules are Out Kentucky Fall Rules Are Out Soaking the Non-Residents in Kentucky
More . . .Will AI Replace the Shaman?
I was playing with AI the past few days and I tried feeding ChatGPT a title “Turkey Hunting Tips and Tricks” and letting it write a script. I then fed it to Pictory to build a video and then published it to Youtube. They say Turkey Hunting is the hardest game on the North American Continent. It’s certainly well beyond an AI to tell you how to do it. I did get a chuckle out of the result It took about 30 minutes for it all to happen. I just sat and watched. I also asked ChatGPT: Tell me how … More . . .
The Myth of Hunting Pressure
I have had an idea rolling around in my head for some time, and I have finally gotten it to gel. I thought I would throw it up here, and have y’all comment on it. First off, let me throw out two basic statements:1) There is no such thing as hunting pressure when it comes to turkeys.2) There are only a few days every season when gobblers are huntable by conventional methods. Here is my reasoning for these statements. I hunt a single 200-acre parcel in SW Bracken County, Kentucky. I will be starting my 21st season on the property … More . . .
What Turkey Calls Should I Buy?
I’ve been at it now for over 40 seasons. I write for the outdoors, I’ve been a pro-staffer, and I’ve made a bunch of calls. Let me let you in on a basic truth: turkey calls are there to mostly attract hunters and not turkeys. I’m not going to say that a top-notch turkey hunter can’t make magic out of a high-end call, but most turkey hunters aren’t in that top notch. Furthermore, you take away his $200 call and give him a $20 call and he’ll still make magic. It ain’t the call. Let me clue you into another … More . . .
KDFWR Turkey Study Underway
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) is investigating the reason turkey harvest numbers have been slipping. This past year’s harvest was well below average. I’m catching up here; this came out while I was having Chemo. Here is the link: https://fw.ky.gov/News/Pages/Wild%20turkey%20studies%20underway%20in%20Kentucky.aspx I’ve saved an image of the article here: Views: 0 Related posts: From the KDFWR: Outstanding outlook for the hunt KDFWR 20-21 Hunting and Trapping Guide is Out It’s Out! KDFWR Releases Spring 2020 Rules The Turkey Rules are Out! KY Non-Resident Fees Hiked KY: Record Harvest for Modern Gun Deer Season Turkey 2020 Post Mortem Back … More . . .
PODCAST: The Virginia Rambler Goes Down
This did not take a whole lot of editing, but it turned out pretty well. I was out earlier today in the fog and managed to bring a gobbler in and close the deal. Some quick notes. First off, the extraneous pops and cracks is water dripping off the trees. The fog was extremely thick. Second, I sound like I’m on death’s door throughout the podcast. It was just that I was a tad wheezie from all the fog. I actually feel better than I’ve felt in 5 years. Don’t worry. I still feel fine. For close to twenty years … More . . .
The Shaman Nails a Gob
I had to call it quits last weekend. The trip out and back to the Honey Hole aggravated the leg, which had been the reason I spent the early part of last week in the ICU. I did not mind it much. Sunday thru Wednesday was cold or rainy– or both. I’m on blood thinners so 35F no fun whatsoever. I stuck around town until Thursday so I could hear what they have planned for me in the way of chemo-therapy. After that, all I wanted to do was get back out to the farm. They start pouring the bug … More . . .
Angus Scores in Turkey Opener
The 2022 Kentucky Spring Gobbler Season started about as well as any. It rained overnight but stayed in the mid-fifties. The last shower evaporated a few miles from us just as we were heading out. It looked like things were going well. They did, just not for me. Angus and Moose had a tremendous morning. I was out at the Honey Hole, due south of the cabin. There was gobbling, but nothing close. I ventured out of the blind after 0800 and put up my new experiment. I got the idea a few years ago, watching gobblers in the pre-season … More . . .
Mooselette Comes Out for Yute Opener
#1 Granddaughter, Mooselette, attended the 2022 Yute Opener with her Grandpa. I took her out to the Honey Hole in hopes of recording something for a podcast. It wasn’t much of a hunt; we did not expect it to be. Mooselette did not even bring a shotgun. We had fun. This was yet another year where the turkeys did not cooperate. I’ve now been to 20 or so Yute Seasons on this farm, raising 2 sons to the sport along the way. I was telling Mooselette: there have been maybe three of these weekends that actually produced anything like a … More . . .
PODCAST: Closing the Deal
This is the first podcast of 2022, and it is a good one. I got out to the Honey Hole just as a roost of hens to my left was pitching woo to a roost of gobblers to my right. Over a half-hour the loudest gob and the most vocal hen decided to hook up. The gobbler practically ran the hundred or so yards between the roost trees, and met up with the hen and her girlfriends at the base of their roost. The deal got closed. I just let the audio roll without comment. I hope you enjoy it. … More . . .
Sighting-In Day 2022
Requiem for a Turkey Load I really cannot remember the last time I blew my wad at paper. It must have been ten years ago. I’ve been shooting pretty much the same load at turkeys since 1996, Federal Premium 3-inch 12 Gauge 2-ounce #4. The boxes have changed. The load has changed– twice in 25 years. Once, the load itself changed. That was when they introduced the Flitecontrol Wad. I got an idea about 8 years ago that Federal might be dropping it from their inventory, so I stocked up. I was right. I have not seen the load listed … More . . .
How Loud Should I Call?
From Old.Gobbler.com: I am always amazed at how sensitive gobblers can be and how far calls can travel. A good many of the turkeys I’ve killed at flydown have come from 200 to 400 yards away. Ones I’ve taken in mid-afternoon have come from much farther. Usually, I start off about as low as I can go. I try not to be first; I try not to be the loudest. Before flydown, I’m usually just letting them know I’m there. After flydown, I usually clam up. If a bird is interested, he’s going to start making his way to me … More . . .
When Should I start Scouting for Turkeys?
When should I start Scouting for Turkeys? That’s a very good question. It certainly is a timely one. As I write this, the countdown is just passing T-Minus 7 weeks to The Opener. I’ve been at it 40 years, and I can’t tell you a set formula. For the last 20 years, I’ve been on the same 200 acres and hunting the same flocks, and I still cannot tell you. Turkey hunting is such a perverse sport. I used to have this girlfriend. She kind of goaded me into getting engaged and then promptly dropped me. A few weeks later … More . . .
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