My 2019 Deer Hunting Goals
I used to publish a set of goals for the upcoming deer season. That was back when folks were paying attention to me more, and I was stuck for writing copy, and there really were big mountains left to climb in my deer hunting career. Now that I am not an active pro-staffer for anybody, and my throngs of gentle readers have gotten used to me, it seems rather superfluous. Still the tickler in my head keeps telling me– time to write about my goals. So here goes.
First off, honorable #2 son, Moose is coming back online. He is coming back to deer camp this year after a hiatus of several years. He was busy getting a family started, and getting set in his job as a welder. Both of those kind of blew up on him. Bottom line is that he’s got more free time now. It’s time to get him back in the stand and get his sights on a big buck. Moose always had a habit of harvesting tomorrows trophy today. He tries. He really tries to get a big one, but a pair of 3 inch spikes walk through and the next thing he knows the safety is off and. . .
You get the idea. Moose needs a monster. The only problem is that his left arm is still a bit messed up from an auto accident a year ago. It makes climbing a ladder a bit of a task. We’ll need to find him proper accomodation. As far as kit, he’s still pretty good. He has a nice Winchester Model 70 variant in 30-06. It shoots minute-of-deer. He also has a lot of gear that was left to him by my old best friend Kip. Kip died early and his widow has been giving Moose a boatload of his hunting gear.
Next on the list is Mooselette, #1 granddaughter. She is 7, and still to small for even her Savage Rascal 22LR, but she’s game to go with Daddy Moose and Grandpa and her Uncle Angus. Last year was her official first visit to deer camp. This year it would be nice if she could join in on the fun and see a deer taken. She already says that being in the blind with Grandpa is her favorite place in the world. Whatever accomodations we make for Moose to hunt, it will have to include seating for 2.
SuperCore has walked back his retirement from Deer Camp. He has decided that he is not yet ready to hang it up, and he’ll be back out. I’m thrilled that he’s coming.
Angus is locked in already. He can’t wait.
The Weather
What about big overall plans? History teaches us that we always want to fight the last war. Last deer season was so off the rails, it is hardly worth trying to address. It was cold and rainy and miserable and the deer did not cooperate. I could run around buying extra thermal underwear and stock up on handwarmers, but the reality is that the National Weather Service is predicting an warmer-than-average fall for most of CONUS with average precipitation. That is wonderful news, because I’m still dealing with the mud-ruts we excavated last year trying to schlep the deer out with the Silverado. Yikes!
Deer Rifles
I may very well keep the Ruger Hawkeye in deep reserve. It has accounted for 7 deer since I first fielded it in 2014. I think it has proved itself. It is time to have fun with some of the others. I almost feel the same way about the Mauser from Hell. It did a great job on my last buck. I’m totally sold on 8X57 as a deer round.
So what needs to come out of the safe and see the light of day?
Big Bob’s Ruger Model 44 Carbine is top of the list. I’ve got a good load put together with the 240 grain Hornady XTP.
O.T.’s 25-06 has been out, and accounted for a couple of nice doe. However, I’ve never really given it a chance to shine.
The MAS 36 that Angus gave me for my birthday last year is an awesome close-in gun.
. . . and that’s not counting the other project that I just never seem to get to. Top of the list is the Whelenizer with new cast lead loads. That was my top deer getter for over a decade until I decided to try cast bullets in it, and then I’ve just not had opportunity. Running a close second is the M1 Garand. It has been begging to come out of retirement.
I may very well vow to keep all my frontline deer rifles home this year and field all the benchwarmers.
Stands, etc.
Two years ago, we made a massive push to retire some of the least productive stands. Garbage Pit, Virginia, and Newstand all came down and got brought back for rehab. They are still sitting in the barn waiting redeployment. We really can’t rely on Moose with his bad arm. However, I may work on getting at least one of them back up out in the Hundred-Acre Wood. It’s just a matter of whether I’ll have time to get it done.
Also, an big wind blew down Fort Apache late this past winter. I’m thinking of getting it resurrected for Moose at a place of his choosing.
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